
The College Council

A College council has been constituted to advice and assist the Principal in the academic and internal matters. The college council consists of the following members.

  • Principal -President
  • All Teaching Staff
  • The Office Superintendent
  • Librarian

The council will appoint one of the members as the secretary. The Secretary will hold office for one year and shall be eligible for re - election. It shall be the duty of the secretary to issue notice for the meeting and keeping the record of proceedings.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell

An Internal quality assurance cell (IQAC) was established in the month of October 2005. The body consists of Principal, staff members, head of administrative staff, representative from the management and two representatives from the local community. The IQAC functions with innovative ideas in the field of education for the future development of the college.

Financial Management
# Balance Sheet
# Income & Expenditure
# Receipt & Payment